Primary Areas of Expertise
Weather and Meteorology

In many areas of litigation, weather factors can be crucial, sometimes decisive factors in establishing liability and the size of a reasonable settlement. As a Certified Consulting Meteorologist and expert witness with over 30 years of professional experience, including extensive experience providing testimony at trial and depositions, I can be a great ally to plaintiff and defendant alike, in separating fact from fiction, and reconstructing what actually happened.
The following areas of specialization are provided:
- Identification of weather issues relevant to the matter at hand
- Analysis of marine, coastal, urban, mountain, desert and local weather conditions
- Reconstruction of weather and sea conditions for accidents and Personal Injury (P.I.) investigations
- Determining when weather or sea conditions impact aviation, boating, auto and building construction issues
- Comparisons of observed to normal conditions
- Determining if observed conditions were foreseeable
- Estimating degrees of unusualness
- Selection, acquisition and evaluation of data that is representative of conditions at the time and place of interest
- Experienced Trial testimony, depositions, reports and analyses
- Weather factors in marketing and industry analyzed
- Weather and climatic planning for travel considerations, renewable energy and homeland security
- Event Reconstruction
- Expert Testimony at trial or deposition
- Reports
- Site Visits to determine issues of exposure, terrain
influence and data relevance
- Certified data acquisition that is representative of time and location of interest
- Masters Degree (M.A.) in Meteorology, University of California at Los Angeles,
U.C.L.A., Department of Meteorology.
- Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) in Meteorology, New York University (N.Y.U.),
Department of Meteorology and Oceanography.
- Nine credits in Broadcasting, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles
- Graduate with “Science Major” from Stuyvesant High School in New York City
(rated in top five nationally among over 14,000 high schools in America)
- Various training in satellite data interpretation, radio/radar meteorology, air pollution
meteorology and management techniques.
- United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Certificate of Executive
Training: Track One-Management & Marketing; Awarded to Air, Weather & Sea
Conditions, Inc.; Alabama A&M University Research Institute; February 2005
- American Meteorological Society Short Course: Forensic Meteorology: Principles,
Practices and Procedures – Invited Presenter, 9 January 2005
- Various courses in Incident Management/Unified Command; Incident Command
System/NIMS; Operational WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) Response; and
Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO); ICS 300, 400
(Advanced ICS Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents); Radicalization of
terrorist groups, Event Action Plan class.
Additional Information:
JurisPro Expert
Review Jay Rosenthal, CCM.
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