Diane Cranley

Laguna Niguel, California

General Specialty

Child Abuse
School Safety

Specialty Focus

After School Programs
Best Practices
Boundary Policies
Boundary Violations
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Educator Misconduct
Failure To Report
Mandated Reporter
Sex Ed
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Assault
Sexual Misconduct
Youth-Serving Organizations

Diane Cranley is a subject matter expert in child sexual abuse prevention in youth-serving organizations. She has extensive experience consulting with organizations, especially schools, in developing strategic child sexual abuse prevention plans. Diane works primarily with school districts, risk pools, and insurers to implement best practices that decrease the risk of child sexual abuse and minimize liability in the unfortunate case that abuse does occur.

While organizations may not be able to stop every case of child sexual abuse within their programs, there are best practices that when followed, significantly lower the risk of abuse occurring and minimize delays in reporting.

Diane can help by:

  • Identifying and evaluating valuable discovery materials including an organization’s policies, practices, documentation, and training
  • Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your case by comparing those organizational materials to best practices to identify the gaps
  • Differentiating the failure of individual mandated reporters versus organizational failures based on that gap analysis and case materials
  • Identifying grooming behaviors that are cause for reasonable suspicion
  • Supplying best practices and relevant research to substantiate her opinion as it relates to your case
  • Educating the judge and jurors on prevention best practices including grooming behaviors and boundaries that intercede with those behaviors


Whether you’re representing a plaintiff or a defendant, in civil court, criminal court, or an administrative hearing, this objective expert analysis is crucial to developing your overall approach, reasonable settlement expectations, and trial strategy.

Diane offers case consultation, expert witness reports, and expert testimony as needed for cases related to adult or juvenile sexual offenders.

For the past 16 years, Diane has educated parents and organizations on how to prevent child sexual abuse and molestation. She spent years combing through research and interviewing experts from around the world to serve as the basis of her book 8 Ways to Create Their Fate: Protecting the Sexual Innocence of Children in Youth-Serving Organizations.

Diane has also supported thousands of survivors and parents of survivors, learning anecdotally through their real-life experiences. And her learning continues through her ongoing work with youth-serving organizations, especially school districts and their insurers where every case she encounters further validates the risk and prevention best practices she teaches.

Diane provides child sexual abuse prevention training to schools throughout California including a mandated reporter and prevention course which is viewed by over 250,000 California educators annually. She has also authored an online child sexual abuse prevention training program that targets the identification of grooming behaviors and the boundaries that intercede with those behaviors which is available to over a million K-12 school employees nationwide through school districts, risk pools, insurers, and online training providers.



Additional Information:

Full CV available upon request.



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