Glenn Karabeika

Seattle, Washington

General Specialty

Federal Criminal Investigation Defense
Import / Export Consulting

Specialty Focus

Arms Export Control
Counterfeit Merchandise
Criminal and Civil Investigations
EAR - Export Administration Regulations
Evidence Collection
Financial Crimes
Intelligence Analysis
Interviews /Interviewing
ITAR - International Trafficking in Arms Regulations
Narcotics Trafficking
National Security
OFAC - Office of Foreign Asset Control
Smuggling Investigations
Undercover Assignments

With over 35 years of experience as a Federal Agent, I have developed a deep and comprehensive understanding of the laws and regulations related to cross-border issues, such as Arms Export Control, OFAC, EAR, ITAR, counterfeit merchandise, narcotics trafficking, national security, and financial crimes. I have conducted criminal and civil investigations, using various techniques and tools, such as surveillance, evidence collection, undercover assignments, interviews, and intelligence analysis.

As an Import/Export Consultant and Private Investigator, I leverage my insight and guidance to achieve the optimal outcome for my clients in both regulatory and criminal inquiries by government departments. I regularly interface with OFAC/BIS, State Department, and Customs officials, using my knowledge of the process of governmental investigations to advise and represent my clients. I also provide all investigative service offerings and focus on helping the defense attorney industry prepare clients and cases. As a seasoned interviewer, I can obtain details missed by previous interviews of witnesses or clients, or obtain facts and circumstances in individuals that have not been interviewed. I also have the ability to trace sea shipments in and out of the U.S. and also import/ export data to and from Mexico (Pedimentos data).

Glenn has 35 years of federal law enforcement, private investigation and consulting experience



  • BS- Georgia State University
  • Criminal Investigator Training – Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

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