Darlene Parks, RN, BSN

Stratford , Connecticut

General Specialty

Legal Nurse Consulting

Specialty Focus

Legal Nurse Consultant
Long Term Care
Medical Malpractice
Nursing Homes
Personal Injury
Wound Care/Pressure Sores
Wrongful Death

Darlene is dually licensed RN, BSN in the State of Connecticut and New York State.

Darlene is a Legal Nurse Consultant and has practiced in the nursing field for 31+ years of which 21 years were serving in nursing administration as a director of nursing/ nursing director in nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). I have consulted on over 400 plaintiff and defense medical-related cases nationwide including personal injury, medical malpractice, medical negligence, wrongful death, product liability, elder neglect, nursing home abuse, pressure ulcers/injuries/wounds, falls, etc.

Her nursing experience includes acute care, infectious disease, pulmonary medicine, geriatrics, medical surgical, adult medicine, nursing homes, skilled nursing, long term care, short term rehabilitation, and nursing administration in post acute care settings such as nursing homes and SNFs.



  • University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT Undergraduate Nursing Program
  • Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT Baccalaureate Nursing Degree, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N)



  • Obtained certification as a CLNC (certified Legal Nurse Consultant) through the Vickie Milazzo Institute



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