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Zal Phiroz, PhD

Products Liability, Supply Chain Best Practices, Business Interruption, Consumer Behavior, Demand Projection, Distribution, Forecasting, Industry Standards, Labeling, Logistics, Manufacturing, Operations, Packaging, Personal Injury, Product Defect, Product Design, Product Liability, Product Recall, Product Safety, Product Testing, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Safety Testing, Stop Sale, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Ownership, Supply Chain Responsibility, Transportation California […]

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Brooks L Hilliard

Business Software, Information Technology, IT Intellectual Property, IT Licensing and Contracting Computer Defect, Computer Software, Computer Systems Failure, Computers, Copyright (Software), CRM, Data Communications, Electronic Discovery, ERP, Information Technology, Intellectual Property, Internet, Networking, Patents, SCM, Siftware Development, Software, Supply Chain Arizona […]

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Mr. Richard A. Gottlieb

Child Products (Toys), Intellectual Property, Labels & Warnings, Patent Infringement, Trade Secrets, Trademarks Child Products (Toys), Copyright, Design and Manufacturing, Entertainment and Media, Games, Import/Export, Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Accident Prevention & Safety Warnings, IP Infringement, IP License, Labels and Warnings, Licensing, Manufacturing, Marketing, Mergers and Acquisitions, Patents, Product Development, Product Liability, Product Licensing, Sales, […]

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