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Zal Phiroz, PhD

Products Liability, Supply Chain Best Practices, Business Interruption, Consumer Behavior, Demand Projection, Distribution, Forecasting, Industry Standards, Labeling, Logistics, Manufacturing, Operations, Packaging, Personal Injury, Product Defect, Product Design, Product Liability, Product Recall, Product Safety, Product Testing, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Safety Testing, Stop Sale, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Ownership, Supply Chain Responsibility, Transportation California […]

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Diane Cranley

Child Abuse, School Safety After School Programs, Best Practices, Boundary Policies, Boundary Violations, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Educator Misconduct, Failure To Report, Grooming, Mandated Reporter, Molestation, Reporting, Schools, Sex Ed, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, Youth-Serving Organizations California […]

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Brad Smith

Criminal Justice, Dogs, Law and Legal, Law Enforcement Best Practices, Case Review, Deposition, Expert Witness, FLSA, Industry Standards, K-9 searches, K-9 tactical tracking, K-9 tactics, K9, K9 arrests, K9 as Deadly Force, K9 Deployments, K9 Policy, K9 SWAT, K9 Use of Force, Monell, Police dogs, Report Writing, Site Inspection Texas […]

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