Anesthesiology, Dental Anesthesia, Local Anesthesia, Neuro-Axial Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia with Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Sedation with Monitored Anesthesia Care Airway Management, Airway Trauma, Allergic Reaction, Ambulatory Aesthesia, Anesthesiology, Aspiration, Awareness Under Anesthesia, Blood Pressure, Brain Damage, Cardiac Arrest, Central Lines, CPR, Death, Difficult Intubation, Drug Interaction, Epidurals, Fires, Hospital Anesthesia, Hypotension, […]
Expert Speciality: Airway Trauma
Victor L. Mandoff, MD, FASA
Anesthesiology ACLS, Acute Pain Management, Airway Trauma, Ambulatory Anesthesiology, Anesthesia Bariatric, Anesthesia Orthopedic, Anesthesiologist, Anesthesiology Malpractice, Aspiration, Awareness Under Anesthesia, BLS, Central Lines, Central Venous Catheter, Code Blue Emergencies, Critical Care Medicine, Deep View Thrombosis, Dental Anesthesiology, Difficult Airway, Difficult Airways, Drug Errors, Drug Interactions, ENT, Extubation, General Anesthesia, Hemodynamic Management, Hypotension, Hypoxia, Informed Consent, […]
Robert A Ertner, MD
Anesthesiology Airway Management, Airway Trauma, Ambulatory Aesthesia, Anesthesia Devices / Equipment, Anesthesia Monitoring, Anesthesiology, Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiac Anesthesiology, Central Lines, Echocardiography, Epidurals, General Anesthesia, Heart Attacks / Cardiac Arrest, Hospital Safety, ICU Sedation, Intraoperative Monitoring, Intubation, Medical Malpractice, Nerve Damage, Neurosurgical Anesthesia, Obstetric Anesthesiology, Operating Room Fires, Operating Room Standards of Care, Organ Donation, Positioning, […]