Peter W. Leibundgut, Esq.

Fort Myers, Florida

General Specialty

Legal Malpractice

Specialty Focus

Bank Policies and Procedures
Banking Regulations and Compliance
Commercial And Consumer Finance
Contract Disputes
Debtor And Creditor's Rights
Lender Liability
Mergers and Acquisitions
Public Finance
Real Estate

Peter has over forty years of transactional, public and private commercial and real estate finance, legal and bank consulting experience. He serves as an expert in cases involving public, commercial and real estate financing transactions. He provides litigation support in cases involving contract disputes and complex public and commercial finance matters centering on debtor and creditor rights.

Based upon his experience representing banks, finance companies, borrowers, investors and public entities in conventional and innovative financings, Peter provides litigation support and expert services in contract disputes, commercial and residential real estate, lender liability, legal malpractice, public finance, complex lending and credit facilities, and financial fraud cases. His experience spans thirty years of due diligence, structuring, closing and restructuring public and commercial financial transactions on behalf of lenders; county, state and federal authorities and issuers; underwriters; finance companies; private equity and hedge fund investors; and borrowers.

He has served as an expert in over 60 cases involving ponzi schemes, lender liability, legal malpractice, bankruptcy, complex public and commercial lending and leasing transactions, Whole Bank Acquisitions and Shared-Loss matters, fraud and gross negligence, and other matters requiring niche lending and contract expertise. Three of these cases were nationally recognized and several were cases of first impression. He has testify in state and federal courts national in depositions and at bench and jury trials.

He has represented the FDIC in forensic commercial loan review and assisted bank and loan portfolio sales including under the Purchase and Assumption and Shared-Loss programs.



  • BA, Dickinson College
  • JD, The Vermont Law School

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