Robert Marcello, Ph.D., LCP, CCHP

Tucson, Arizona

General Specialty

Behavioral Health
Correctional Healthcare
Health Psychology
Mental Health
Sport Psychology
Standard of Care

Specialty Focus

Alcohol Addiction
Chronic Illness
Correctional Health Protocols
Jail Standards & Safety
Medical and Nursing Operations
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Treatment
Nursing Care
Prison Deaths
Prison Standards
Prison Suicides

Primary Areas of Expertise

Clinical Psychology & Correctional Health Expert

Dr. Marcello is a Correctional Healthcare Professional (CCHP) with over 30 years of clinical, administrative, and forensic experience in a variety of healthcare and behavioral health settings. As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Correctional Health Expert Bob provides consultation and expert testimony in Clinical Psychology, Mental and Behavioral Health, Correctional and Behavioral Health, Geropsychology, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention, Sports Psychology, Health Psychology, and Behavioral Medicine.

Dr. Marcello has served as a regional and corporate executive in the correctional and behavioral healthcare industry where he provided a variety of services including clinical oversight and supervision, leadership, program development, consultation, clinical evaluations, and expert testimony.  Dr. Marcello also provides technical assistance and operational support to jails and statewide correctional systems throughout the country. A leader in quality improvement, he ensures the adoption of best practices in correctional settings, consistently meeting corporate, national, and client standards.

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