Philip J. Keddy, Ph.D

Oakland, California

General Specialty

Forensic Psychology
Psychological Assessment

Specialty Focus

Fitness for Duty
Personal Injury
Pre-employment Screening
Testamentary Capacity


  • Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, SF Bay Area
  • M.A., California School of Professional Psychology, SF Bay Area
  • B.A., Trinity College, University of Toronto

Licensure and Certification:

  • California State Psychology License PSY8828 – February 1985
  • Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders from the American Psychological Association’s College of Professional Psychology (1996-2020)

Teaching Experience:

  • 2011-present: Adjunct Faculty, Wright Institute Graduate School of Psychology, 2728 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704. Course taught is Adult Assessment, Section 5. This is a three-trimester course, running from September until June and meeting for three hours per week.
  • 2019-present: Contract Instructor, Rorschach-Performance Assessment System. (Workshops listed below.)
  • 1998-2018: Adjunct Faculty, appointed Senior Adjunct Faculty 2018,
  • Department of Psychology (Master’s Program), Golden Gate University, 536 Mission Street, San Francisco. Course taught was Understanding and Treating Addictions.


Recent Presentations:

  • 2024, May 18, Introversion and Extraversion in the Works of H. Rorschach and C.G. Jung, Inaugural R-PAS Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  • 2022, July 28, 29, 30; August 2,3. Co-taught 5-day Introduction to R-PAS with Donald Viglione Jr., & James Kleiger. Online course.
  • 2022, July 12th. Introducing a new translation of Rorschach’s Psychodiagnostics, Roundtable presentation. International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods Centenary Congress, University of Geneva.
  • 2022, March 11th. Introducing a new translation of Rorschach’s Psychodiagnostics. Roundtable presentation, Society for Personality Assessment Annual Convention, Chicago.
  • 2021.9.30-10.1,2,5 & 6. Co-taught 5-Day Introduction to R-PAS with Donald Viglione Jr. & James Kleiger. Online course.
  • 2019.10.14. -17. Taught Four-Day Introductory Workshop on the Rorschach-Performance Assessment System, Utah State Hospital, Provo, Utah.
  • 2019.1.16-19. Co-taught Four-Day Introductory Workshop on the Rorschach-Performance Assessment System, assisting Dr. Philip Erdberg, Alliant University, San Francisco, CA.
  • 2018.11.14. The Pre-Employment Evaluation of a Candidate for a Roman Catholic Seminary. Presentation to the Collaborative Assessment Association of the Bay Area (CAABA). Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area, 1005 Atlantic Ave., Alameda, CA 94501
  • 2018.3.15. Workshop: Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2: A Demonstration. Co-presenting with lead presenter: Dr. Richard Levak. SPA Annual Convention in Washington, D.C.
  • 2017.9.20 Presentation on Addictions to the Mental Health Liaison Committee of the Sonoma County Bar Association, Family Law Section. Moderator: Hon. Shelly Averill
  • 2017.3.18. Symposium: A Collaborative Model for Educating Psychological Assessors: The Wright Experience. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Presentation with Dale M. Siperstein, Barbara Peterson, Andrew Pojman, and Dale Watson.
  • 2017.3.15. Workshop: Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2: A Demonstration with Richard Levak, Ph.D. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
  • 2015.3.7. Paper Presentation: Developing the Inkblot Test: Rorschach’s Use of Jung’s Word-Association Experiment. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, N.Y. Co-authored with Philip Erdberg and Rita Signer.
  • 2014.7.16. Paper Presentation: Can Rorschach and Jung Be Reconciled? The Introversion-Extraversion Controversy. XXI International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Istanbul, Turkey. (A shorter presentation of the same research as below.)
  • 2014.3.20. Symposium: Can Rorschach and Jung Be Reconciled? The Introversion-Extraversion Controversy. Society for Personality Assessment Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA. Paper and research by Philip Keddy, Philip Erdberg & Rita Signer. Paper presented by Philip Keddy, with Philip Erdberg as Chair. Discussants: Mark Micale, PhD., and Constance Fischer, Ph.D.

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